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One way to save energy around the house is by using smart green lighting. While lighting is often used to enhance the ambience of a home, 这也是一个减少能源账单的关键机会. Green lighting is about more than just switching the bulbs; it is also about making choices that minimize your energy and resource footprint in as many ways as possible. Making green decisions about lighting includes incorporating daylight when possible, 安装和处理照明产品时要小心, 选择合适的设备(e.g. fixtures, bulbs, controls) for the right place within your home. 在设计之前,请记住以下注意事项, 安装, 并处理照明产品.

请查看 绿色产品购买指南下载 500 K.


  • 充分利用家里的自然光. 日光充足时,应关灯, and promote optimal daylight by keeping furniture and window coverings away from windows.
  • Use a combination of light-colored paints and well-placed windows to enhance the daylighting within your home.
  • Use blinds to control glare and heat gain (although exterior shading is best for controlling heat gain – see 加热、冷却和通风


  • 密封天花板或外墙的任何穿透处. 使用低挥发性有机化合物的电箱填缝剂.
  • 确保每个房间的每个灯具组都有自己的控制. 例如, 在一个有中央吊坠的房间里, 重点灯和任务照明, be sure these all have independent and conveniently-placed controls (and dimmer switches where applicable) to allow your family to use only the amount of light that is necessary.


  • 遵循环保局的指导方针 清理坏掉的节能灯. Compact fluorescent lamps and linear tube fluorescent lamps contain mercury.
  • 金郡让你很容易找到它 荧光灯泡 & 管回收 通过“拿回网络.”
  • King County prohibits the disposal of fluorescent bulbs and tubes in the garbage or at King County transfer stations and household hazardous waste facilities.
  • 请务必妥善处理磁性镇流器. 使用 收回网络 决定把你的旧镇流器放在哪里.
  • The City of Seattle prohibits the disposal of bulbs/tubes in residential or commercial garbage and at Seattle transfer stations.

The following includes considerations when choosing lighting equipment – including fixtures, 灯(灯泡)和控制器.







Consider repurposing your own fixtures or looking for used fixtures that can be fitted with high-efficiency 领导 or CFL lamps. Many salvage or second-use stores carry fixtures that can work with modern lighting, 同时也为您的项目添加了字符. 请参阅参考资料中的回收仓库.



如果可能的话,避免使用嵌入式灯. Products that are advertised as being “air-tight” may still be very leaky. These fixtures act as little chimneys and can cause a lot of heat loss into your attic or out the side of your house. If the fixtures are not rated to be in contact with insulation (IC-rated), extra work must be done to build boxes around them before insulation can be added to the attic.

Consider replacing can lights with surface-mount 领导 fixtures that mimic the look and feel of can lights. 在安装固定装置之前,确保干墙密封良好.


Look for the ENERGY STAR label on bulb packages to ensure high performance.


这些路灯的经济回报非常短暂, especially with current local utility lighting discount programs. 看看这个 更有效和省钱的灯泡指南 外部链接 在购物之前.



Compare the color temperature of different bulbs depending on where and how you use the light. Some people prefer a warm temperature, whereas a cool or daylight temperature may suit your needs. Also look at the brightness when replacing bulbs – 领导s can provide a similar level of brightness as CFLs or other types at a fraction of the wattage.


确保紧凑型荧光灯适合你正在使用的插座. Some wider CFLs do not fit into wall or ceiling sconces with low profiles.

As with 领导s, shop wisely to match the brightness and color temperature with your tastes.


Older fixtures may use magnetic ballasts with electronic ballasts. Magnetic ballasts tend to hum and flicker and are less efficient than electronic ballasts. 你可以用你的智能手机或相机 外部链接 检查你装的是哪种压舱物. Have an electrician convert these to electronic ballasts, which do not flicker.

Switch old T12 tube fluorescent lamps with 32 watt T8s or 领导 tube replacement bulbs.


美国.S. 正在逐步淘汰白炽灯泡吗. Utilize CFLs as your default light bulb and upgrade to 领导s where cost-effective. CFLs last 10 times longer and modern CFLs have comparable sizes and colors to incandescents. 领导s last five times longer than CFLs and up to 25 times as long as incandescent bulbs.



Consider the best control for a light; use timers or occupancy sensors / motion detectors, 尤其是在经常开着灯的房间里.


调光器可以帮助节约能源, allowing you to change the amount of light to suit your needs and extend the life of the light bulb.

Be sure to select dimmer-compatible bulbs, whichever type you buy.


Outdoor lighting is best controlled by motion sensor or dusk sensor. 确保黄昏传感器是CFL和领导灯泡兼容.




